When the Police Become Prosecutors

This article, “When the Police Become Prosecutors” in The New York Times, taught me something about the criminal law I had no idea existed. In some states, many thousands of misdemeanor cases are brought by police officers without lawyers as prosecutors....

Corruption in the bargaining process

If you haven’t been following this tale of corruption, this article, “FCA spent $15K on steak dinners for UAW”, in The Detroit News, lays out the main point. Just like salespeople woo their customers, Chrysler executives wooed UAW leaders with meals...

Can you be fired for marijuana use in Michigan?

Last week, Michigan became the 10th state to legalize recreational marijuana use for adults over the age of 21. Anything in public places remains illegal. Smoking in a driveway or front porch is off limits, but a backyard may be okay unless a neighbor takes offense...