Do you have the impostor syndrome?

The imposter syndrome is a feeling that is disproportionately common among women and minorities in the workplace. It is a nagging doubt that you are not good enough, do not belong or are “faking it until you make it.” It can impact your ability to do your job,...

Dealing with job search depression

Much of our practice is meeting with people who are losing their position. Especially when the person is older than 45, the time it may take to find a new job can be excruciatingly long. I always advise people not to take a break but to throw themselves into the...

The passage of time and human error

What seems so clear in one moment can seem so misguided years later. This NY Times article, “Linda Fairstein, Once Cheered Faces Storms After ‘When They See Us”, by Elizabeth Harris and Julie Jacobs discusses the career of the famous sex crimes...